Celebrate with us the first ESGO-ENGAGe World GO Day on Sep 20

European Society of Gynaecological Oncology: Newsflash

ESGO and ENGAGe launch the
first-ever World Gynecologic Oncology Day
 in over 20 countries with 50+ partners
Join us on September 20, 2019

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We are pleased to update you on the progress of the first-ever World Gynecologic Oncology Day launch, spearheaded by ESGO and ENGAGe, the European Network of Gynecologic Cancer Advocacy Groups.

The World GO Day aims to raise awareness and encourage women to get the facts, recognize the signs and take action with the international campaign “GOfor…Awareness, Action, Hope, Life” which will be held simultaneously in more than 20 countries on Sep 20th, 2019.

Over 20 non-profit organizations, mostly from Europe and some from the United States, will organize various national sports-related activities on this day with the slogan “A Game Against Gynecologic Cancers”, a symbolic game against gynecologic cancers played together with survivors, caregivers and health care professionals.

We have started a social media campaign on FacebookInstagram and Twitter. The campaign aims to drive women to engage with and share gynecologic cancers information.
Please share our content on social media networks, hashtag us #worldgoday or #GOfor  and let the world know that the GO Day is coming!

We hope this initiative will enhance collaboration among patient groups, strengthen local advocacy activities and provide a platform for stakeholder engagement by bringing local and international attention to gynecologic cancers and educate women on prevention, detection, best treatment options.

Join us to raise awareness on a global stage
on the first World Gynecologic Oncology Day!

Yours sincerely,

Murat Gultekin, Turkey
ENGAGe Co-Chair

Esra Urkmez, USA
ENGAGe Co-Chair

Raising Public Awareness together on World Go Day
Let’s get the conversation go global…
#worldGOday | #GOfor

The World Go Day is a joint global effort to increase the awareness among women for prevention, diagnosis and the best treatment options.

Interested to join us? You can follow us on FacebookInstagram or Twitter and share our pictures and messages using the hashtags #WorldGODay or #GOfor to encourage others to learn more, raise awareness and  help us create a global conversation on Gynecologic Cancers.

More about World GO Day …

International Partners
50+ Organizations

 NGOs, Sponsors and Supporters

Awareness Activities
in 20+ Countries

Mostly by NGOs in Europe

  Social Media
#GOfor Campaign

FacebookInstagram & Twitter


ESGO and ENGAGe gratefully acknowledge the generous support provided by the following sponsors and supporters of the World GO Day 2019:

AstraZeneca, Merck-Pfizer Alliance, Tesaro – A GSK Company, World Ovarian Cancer Coalition, National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, SHARE, Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance, Ago Austria and Krebshilfe.

In particular, we would like to thank the ENGAGe members for their support and contribution to the organization of national awareness events and activities in their country on the World GO Day 2019:

+ Czech Republic: Veronica and ONKO Unie    + Denmark: KIU (Women with gynaecological cancer)
+ Finland: Association of Cancer Patients in Finland   + France: Imagyn, The Patient Advocacy Group
+ Germany: Stiftung Eierstock Krebs (German Foundation for Ovarian Cancer)   + Georgia: Georgia Patient’s Union (GPU)/ GynOnco Group and Tbilisi Cancer Center  + Greece: K.E.F.I. of Athens (Association of Cancer Patients of Athens)/Gynaecological Cancer Group of KEFI  + Hungary: Mallow Flower Foundation
+ Ireland: Ovacare  + Israel: BRACHA – Living with a high risk of hereditary cancer
+ Italy: ACTO Piemonte and   Acto Onlus – Alleanza contro il Tumore Ovarico and LOTO ONLUS – UNITI CONTRO IL TUMORE OVARICO  + Poland: Blue Butterfly Association/Stowarzyszenie Niebieski Motyl
+ Romania: ANAIS Association and HomeCare Association/Asociaţia “Îngrijire Acasă”
+ Serbia: Women’s centre Milica  + Spain: ASACO   + Sweden: Nätverket mot gynekologisk cancer (Network against Gynaecological Cancer) + Turkey: Dance With Cancer (Kanserle Dans) and Pembe Izler Association
+ UK: Ovacome

The European Society of Gynaecological Oncology Society
Leading Europe’s Gynaecological Cancers

European Society of Gynaecological Oncology
Email: [email protected]
ESGO Copyrights © 2019 All rights reserved

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